Fueling Disinformation
Chevron owns this city’s news site. Many stories aren’t told.
The oil and gas company-owned Richmond Standard tells mostly positive stories about the major industry that dominates this California city and its skyline.
Fueling Disinformation
The oil and gas company-owned Richmond Standard tells mostly positive stories about the major industry that dominates this California city and its skyline.
Gulf Coast
There’s an unspoken promise when an industry moves into any community: We will disrupt your lives, but in exchange we will provide good-paying jobs.
Fueling Disinformation
Political strategist Eunic Epstein-Ortiz arrived in Florida from New York in 2017 to help a major labor union turn out voters for the following year. She recalls being pleasantly surprised by the positive coverage the campaign received from Florida Politics.
Fueling Disinformation
Citizens for Responsible Solar is part of a growing backlash against renewable energy in rural communities across the United States.
Power Play
Florida Power & Light CEO Eric Silagy announced his retirement on Wednesday. The company says the move was not prompted by recent scandals.
Power Play
ABC News producer in Florida becomes a corporate operative.
Power Play
Power company money flows to media attacking critics in Florida, Alabama.
Gulf Coast
Fossil fuels power the Texas economy, accounting for some 14% of gross state product between 2019 and 2020. Now, Texas is the first state in the nation to pass anti-divestment laws for fossil fuels.