Welcome to Floodlight

Welcome to the Floodlight community! We’re glad you’re here.

Floodlight is the only newsroom with the specific mission of holding climate polluters accountable.

If you're interested in keeping up with our investigations — which also appear in news outlets including NPR, The Guardian and Capital B — you've subscribed to the right newsletter.

For example: our Power Play series revealed how utilities like Florida Power & Light (FP&L) paid a consulting group that infiltrated local news media, attacked clean energy foes and intimidated public officials. Soon after our reporting, the CEO of FP&L stepped down. The series was later selected as a finalist for Harvard’s Goldsmith Prize in Investigative Journalism.

You can expect to hear from us each time we publish a new story, which typically happens a few times a month.

In the meantime, we encourage you to read our recently published stories, and if you’d like, donate to support our mission to investigate the powerful interests stalling climate action. Our work is only possible because of support from our readers.

Thank you! We’re grateful to count you as a member of the Floodlight community.

Emily Holden
Founder & Executive Director